I have a secret to tell you about stories. Please don’t tell my publisher, though, because this could really wreak havoc on the publishing world. Here it is: We all have the same story.
Yes, the details are different in every person’s story. And we all have our own setting and characters and timeline. But the truth is, our basic plot is the same: We all flub up this thing we call life. And we all find ourselves in desperate need of God’s grace.
The backdrop of my book is that treacherous pastime we call dating. For me, the thing that broke me and brought me flat on my face was a season of singleness that stretched on much longer than I anticipated. That’s where God showed up and revealed his grace and love to me in ways beyond my wildest imaginings.
But as I’ve listened to your stories, I’ve noticed something. Although the specifics of your story may be different from mine, our gracious God is still the same. And he tends to reveal himself in similar ways, even if the details are different.
- Maybe you’re not waiting for a husband, but you’re waiting for something else that is breaking your heart. Maybe you’re waiting for a job or a baby or a prodigal or healing. And God seems silent.
- Maybe you, too, have one prayer that keeps tripping you up.
- Maybe you, too, have had moments when it feels too dangerous to keep hoping.
- Maybe you, too, have a desire for something that doesn’t seem any closer to happening than it was a year ago.
- Maybe you, too, feel stuck when everyone around you seems to be moving on with their life.
- Maybe you, too, know what it’s like to be lonely, afraid, or invisible.
- Maybe you, too, have wondered where God is in the midst of your pain.
My book isn’t just about blind dates or being single; it’s about being knocked over by the love and grace of God. And that love and grace are available no matter what circumstance you’re facing.
So I’d like to hear from you. When has God shown up in an unexpected way for you? When have you been amazed by his grace, hemmed in by his love? I would be honored to hear your story.
God has given me a vision for how He wants to use my life, but like many great people of faith (Abraham, Joseph, etc) I am in a wilderness season and must wait. By His grace He chooses to use me, even now. And more amazingly, He has confirmed that vision repeatedly through the words of His people. God is so good!
Thanks for sharing your story, Deb! I love the image that sometimes we have to wait in the wilderness before we can begin our calling. Bless you on this journey!
Steph, I just had to comment. My journey of waiting and infertility brought me to my knees. It was the first time in my life I couldn’t try hard enough or work long enough to get what I wanted. And when finally God blessed us with twins, only to lose one of them and deal with loss and life at the same time in my womb–I just thought God had no idea what he was doing. It was excruciating and I was still waiting to see if my little girl would be okay. Then bed rest and premature labor and 5 weeks in the NICU. From the world’s standard this was a disaster from start to finish. But I have a healthy little girl, sassy as all get out, and even more importantly, I saw a sweetness in the lord I never experienced. He met every hurt and need and covered all my tears with his grace flowing like nothing I’ve ever seen. He showed me that he really does hold our right hand and says that we don’t have to fear because he is with us. In the good and the seemingly bad. I reached the depths and now I know what that verse in Habakkuk really means about how much higher are the highs I can experience with God. The grit of life can wear us out and that’s when God picks me up and dusts me off and says you are mine and I am yours and I got your back, girl and I have good things in store for you! I’m not sure God talks like that, but maybe…just maybe. :). I look at the sweetness you have in Daniel and know only a portion of your waiting hurts, but He has blessed you and will continue to when you’re walking in His will, patiently waiting and obedient to His causes. So excited for your book’s release!!
Oh Rachel, thank you for sharing your story and hearing about the sweetness of God in a really hard time. I think God does say things like “I’ve got your back” sometimes. 🙂
LOVE LOVE this post. Thank you so much for this. Lately, God has been teaching me about the waiting period, as most of my college friends are getting married, yet I am still very single. God is revealing His love to me in new ways, and while it is painful, it is also very beautiful. God is also showing me that, while this uncertain time in life seems to last forever, it will not. I hold on to that hope a lot of days!
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Ellen. May God bless with you hope and his presence as you wait.
This is a great post of reminders of our shared stories and how suffering can connect us–thank you, dear Stephanie 🙂
I have been reminded of his providence most vividly and recently with a wonderful job offer. After months of searching, applying, processing and after years of doing work that just was in front of me to do, I feel his love and grace in His timing and surprising places.
Thanks for sharing your story, Brooke! I’m excited for this new chapter God is bringing into your life.
Hi Stephanie,
Greetings from Malaysia! I’m so excited that your book is finally out! I remembered you sharing about it at LittWorld and now, it’s arrived and getting out there! Congratulations!
I liked what you said about us ‘flubbing’ up in life. Waiting is hard and I’m reminded of Abraham and Sarah’s story where we sometimes want to ‘help’ God speed things along, but end up flat on our face. A few years back, after waiting for so many years to be in a relationship, I had wished to have the experience of having a guy come up to me in a crowd just to get to know me, to be desired. In that very month, I got what I wished for. A handsome guy chatted me up at a conference I was working at. I was thrilled when he asked me out for a date. The only red flag was – he wasn’t a believer. But I really wanted a relationship so badly.
The long story short, going out with this guy was a story of initial sweetness, then deceit and hurts along with great lessons. At the end of that period, I learned how gracious He was – when I was so crushed by the guilt of giving my heart to this guy that I couldn’t even pray, God sent a new friend whom I’d met through work to encourage and persuade me He is indeed gracious enough to hear us no matter how far we’ve gone from Him. He also sent a dear sister in Christ who kept my heart alive with her amazing testimonies of encountering God daily in her devotion time and exhortations to walk closer with Him. Not forgetting my girl friends who listened to and prayed for me.
Through it all, I learned how God’s heart breaks when we disobey Him, but He rescued me, peeled the scales that covered my eyes so I could see Him for who He is, clearer than before. I learned that is possible to be restored, healed and renewed into sweeter fellowship after repentance. In my church’s culture, going with a non-believer is truly something shunned. I had felt judged then. But I learned how to be compassionate to girls who are struggling with being in “unequally yoked” relationships. Most of all, I learned to love myself in a healthier way. Our wonderful Daddy in heaven is keenly jealous. He loves his sons and daughters with a lion-sized, fierce love. And He won’t give us snakes when we ask for fish. I’m so glad for the privilege to experience this love and grace through His healing.
I hope your book will reach out to many more as a reminder of His authoring His grace into our lives if we trust Him to do so. Thank you for writing it and helping us “see”!
Joanna, thank you for your vulnerability in sharing your story! What a beautiful picture of God’s grace…and how he often uses people in our lives to encourage us and remind us of his character. Many blessings to you!